Personal photo

Zekri Hana

Personal photo

Hello! I am Web Developer from Egypt I have rich experience in web site develop and buildingI love to talk with you about our unique. also Seeking an opportunity to participate in collaborating, a competitive and inventive environment where using my background in software design and development, as well develop my potential in business development as well as making my knowledge alwaysup to date to keep up with the new technologies.

About Me

✓ Phone: 01208250319 - 01154823178
✓ Email:
✓ Date of birth: November 05, 1995.
✓ Nationality: Egyptian.
✓ Address: Assiut.
✓ Relocation: Ready to relocate.
✓ Military status: Finished.
✓ Marital Status: Single.
✓ LinkedIn account:



The web development process includes: web design, web content, client-side/server-side scripting and network security configuration.


Mar 2020-Present

Full stack developer (Html/Html5, CSS/CSS3, JavaScript, and C# for 3- month ITI Diploma Assiut.

Procuratorate Military
Jan 2019 - Feb 2020

performing military service at the East Cairo Procuratorate Military Inclusive, Department of Information Systems, for one year.


Faculty of Computers and Information
Sep 2014-Jun 2018

✓ B.Sc. in Information Systems and Technology.
✓ Cumulative Degree: Good.
✓ Graduation project: image matching technique.
✓ Grade: Excellent.


Technical Skills

✓ Architecture and Software Design : Knowledgeable in system analysis and design, software engineering fundamentals, software development life cycle, object-oriented programming, n-tier architecture and object-relational modelling.
✓ Web Technologies : Proficient in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, J Query, XML, Asp.Net MVC Core, Asp.Net web api, LINQ & entity framework, php, Ajax, Angular.
✓ Programming Languages : Proficient in C#, C++ . in addition to good knowledge of Java, Python, R.
✓ Database : Proficient in database design, development and administration over MS SQL Server 2008, 2014 and MySQL.
✓ Cross-platform Languages Good knowledge of principles of Xamarin Native in Android.
✓ Operating Systems : Good knowledge of working with Microsoft Windows Platforms, and Ubuntu 15.4.
✓ ArcGIS Systems Have Academic knowledge in using ArcGIS and Arc Info Tools.

Interpersonal Skills

✓ Communication skills.
✓ Presentation skills.
✓ Leadership.
✓ Creativity.
✓ Problem solving skills.
✓ Teamwork.
✓ Honesty.
✓ Decision-making.
✓ Record keeping.
✓ time management by Multitasking.



hospital management system . Tools: C#, MySQL, crystal report.


Geographic Information System Tools: C#, SQL Server


System for the church Tools: C#, MYSQL


Clustering the Social Network Tools: Python


fire game 2d. Tools: C#


Information Retrieval Model. Tools: Arc-GIS Tools.


Data Science and Bigdata analytic Tools: Hadoop, R, Open-refine

Personal Website

Tools : Html5 , Css3 , JavaScript

Chrome Extention

Email and Phone Extractor Tools : Html5 , Css3 , Es6